Johann Lux

joined: 2013-04-20
“Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” ― Mark Twain
Next level: 
Points needed: 69

Games activity

Poker Omaha

Poker Omaha

Games CompletedChips Won
73527691.52 mln
Poker Jackpot
Welcome to MoneyLand
First Victory
First Battle
Got it!


Gifts : 47


Something about me

About me
I work in a hospital. It is a love hate relationship.
Music, sports, games, nature and making memories.
Favorite movies
Too many to list.
Favorite music
A bunch, rock and country are high on the list but so much is good.
Favorite books
History and biographies.
Things I like
Nature especially the sound of water, going for walks, sunrises and sunsets.
Things I don't like
Small talk.

Last visits

Total visits: 3216
2 days ago
4 days ago
8 days ago
9 days ago
12 days ago
13 days ago
19 days ago
19 days ago
20 days ago
