
Adăugat: 12.10.2015
Always appreciate a good sunset at the end of what may have been a trying helps.
Puncte136mai mult
Nivelul următor: 
Puncte necesare: 64


Cadouri: 13


Ceva despre persoana mea

Despre mine
old and cold and tired and grey
Interesat/ă de
Filmele favorite
Midnight Run; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; St. Elmo's Fire; The Breakfast Club; The Big Chill; most of the eighties.......
Muzica favorita
Elton John early; Bob Seger; Eagles; Who; The Knack; William Shatner - yes, William Shatner
Cărţile favorite
Most of anything King writes; His son too; ****ens
Lucruri care-mi plac
Sex, Sleep, tastes, warm sun on skin
Lucruri care nu-mi plac
Indifference, Ignorance

Ultimele vizite

Număr total de vizite: 246
35 zile în urmă
