
Adăugat: 15.11.2016
Every act of kindness creates a ripple that never ends
Puncte182mai mult
Nivelul următor: 
Puncte necesare: 18


Cadouri: 1


Ceva despre persoana mea

Despre mine
I just want to have fun and make some friends
Interesat/ă de
Digital drawing
Filmele favorite
Pretty Woman,
Muzica favorita
Any thing upbeat and happy
Cărţile favorite
Where the Wild Things Are, Pete the Cat and his Four Groovy Buttons, DaVinci Code, Secret Garden, Little Princess, anything by Torey Hayden
Lucruri care-mi plac
Cats and dogs and kids and musicals
Lucruri care nu-mi plac
Mean people, bad parenting, liars
