registro: 27/10/2018
I like to fish, Spending time with my family on our ranch and kicking back on the deck enjoying a few beers watching the sunsets
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Pontos necessários: 193

Histórico de jogadas

Poker Texas Hold'em

Poker Texas Hold'em

Jogos ConcluidosFichas ganhas
100387,64 ml
Bem-vindo ao Eldorado
Primeira vitória
Primeira batalha
Pote grande


Presentes: 8


Algo sobre mim

Sobre mim
Night manager of a wood cabinet component shop. have a hobby farm we raise horses and cattle. Married to kim and have 4 kids. 3 boys and one girl
I'm a fishing fanatic
Fresh water fishing horse riding watching my wife and daughter do barrel racing
Filmes favoritos
any western and action movie I like too many to have a favorite
Músicas favoritas
60's classic rock
Livros favoritos
of mice and men
Coisas que eu gosto
Food, beer, laughter
Coisas que eu năo gosto

Últimas visitas

Total de visitas: 135
53 dias atrás
96 dias atrás
107 dias atrás
