
Connesso: 29/05/2016
be well, do good...those two things make for a great life
Prossimo livello: 
Punti necessari: 70
Ultima partita

Attività di gioco

Poker Texas Hold'em

Poker Texas Hold'em

Gioco CompletatoChip Vinte
158522,12 mln
True Blue
Bright T-shirt
Bright medal
Welcome to MoneyLand
First Victory


Regali: 7


Qualcosa su di me

Su di me
professional trumpet player; composer; would be author
music, art, history, poetry, sports of all types
Film preferiti
Blue Velvet, Willie Wonka, Princess Bride, The Magnificent Seven (original), anything by Tim Burton (thanks, Tim)
Musica preferita
rock, jazz, reggae, country, orchestral, hmmmm...almost anything of quality
Libri preferiti
Tarantula - Bob Dylan; most of Philip D ick's works (Blade Runner, Total Recall, The Man in the High Tower, etc.)
Le cose che mi piacciono
good beer, good scotch, good art, good music, good conversation, good sex, people who do good things for others
Le cose che non mi piacciono
racism, bigotry, rudeness, arrogance, and, ... finally...disrespectful people
