
Situazione Sentimentale: sposato
Mi piacciono: Donna
In cerca di: amici, svago
Zodiac sign: Leone
Compleanni: 1968-07-23
Connesso: 17/06/2006
Last night I stayed up late playing poker with Tarot cards. I got a full house and four people died.
Prossimo livello: 
Punti necessari: 80

Attività di gioco

Golden Reels Casino Slots

Golden Reels Casino Slots

Punti esperienzaVincite totali
949 bil504191424430
High 5!
Batti 5!
Batti 5!
Batti 5!
Poker Texas Hold'em

Poker Texas Hold'em

Gioco CompletatoChip Vinte
3339057,85 mln
Big Pot
True Blue
Jackpot Poker
Welcome to MoneyLand
First Victory


Regali: 62


Più albums: The Camp, ..., My Hair Days

Qualcosa su di me

Su di me
Geesh! getting personal now! Alright I'm 6'-1", 205 lbs, blue eyes, shaved head not by choice I just gave up! ..I'm married to a beautiful woman (Ironmansgal).. I am a foundry-man and have been for 26 years now. I play guitar and...er..oh wait see my interests below.....
Well first, the female anatomy is a great interest of mine! Oh ya for all the Q's that may be running through the heads of the females? Yes! She Knows I have female friends online! We are very se***e and open! K back to the interests... I spend a lot of time revolving around music. I played in a band for 10 years but now just record for fun in my mini studio. I'm always up for the great outdoors...camping, hiking, sex, fishing, and schmores and schmellows over the fire! I love to play all sports like hockey, baseball, sex, soccer, football, and i work out a couple times a week. I know it doesn't show but hey I try! I am also a Grilling lover, as well as knowing my way around a kitchen.
Film preferiti
As far as movies go i would have to say my favorite would be that all time classic "Debbie Does Dallas".
Musica preferita
My favorite style of music would be Classic rock...Led Zeppelin, Bad Company,etc...But I appreciate all styles.

Libri preferiti
The ones that are thick enough to level a bed.
Le cose che mi piacciono


Le cose che non mi piacciono
Prudes, elitists, and when my balls contract from prudes and elitists.

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