
Nous a rejoint: 2015-03-17
Have a blessed day!
Niveau suivant: 
Points nécessaires: 720


Cadeaux: 16


A propos de moi

à propos de moi
Just a little lady who is retired from making stained glass windows at home for several decades :)
shooting pool, camping, bon fires, wine and I love dogs. I've been rescuing dogs and cats for over 30 yrs now.
Films préférés
Same Kind of Different as Me, great movie!
Musique préférée
blues, jazz, old rock & a little country
Livres préférés
John Grisham
Ce que j’aime
People who play fair.
Ce que je n’aime pas
People who copy my icon & put it on both sides of the pool game! Stop trying to clone me or whatever you are doing! I have reported you and your ID numbers, since several ppl have done it to me... so they WILL catch up with you eventually. :/
