
Afiliado: 08/03/2021
Love being my own boss and family time!
Para mantener el nivel: 
Puntos necesarios: 170


Regalos: 5


Más álbumes: DenaliBoss

Algo sobre mi

Sobre mi
I'm outgoing, friendly, and love being my own boss in my business.
Love to work with people who appreciates knowledge. Love to gamble, guess that why i'm always playing on
Música favorita
Pop, R&B, 80s and 90s
Cosas que me gustan
Volleyball, Soccer, familytime and my kids
Cosas que no me gustan
idiotic people, fowl language and bad sportsmanship

Últimas visitas

Visitas totales: 6069
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19 horas hace
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1 día hace
1 día hace
