
Situazione Sentimentale: single
Mi piacciono: Donna
In cerca di: amici, svago
Zodiac sign: Acquario
Compleanni: 1998-01-30
Connesso: 15/02/2021
always thought how you reach you're target and make you're target like falcon
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Punti necessari: 45
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Poker Omaha

Poker Omaha

Poker Omaha
146 giorni fa

Glary to be a god

As we are all know we are not alone. But some time we think god has a two law's one is baldness and the second one is goodness. We know sometime we Happy and some time we feel bad so it's mean god is not one always I mean to say god say I love my people's my economy so god gave her very hapines and when we are wrong in our life so god have a god way to tell her you're wrong kindly change you're life path but we don't hear any thing we just listen our mind so this time I want to say please listen on you're heart ok I mean don't do any work fastly just thought about you're work and see it's good/not good on you're life by by